Asthma is identified as an inflammatory disease, which particularly affects the bronchi and manifests itself in the respiratory system. This is characterized by having a longing and very difficult breathing, presents a cough with a sensation of choking and a wheezing noise in the chest region.

Asthma is related to the body's rejection of environmental factors such as climate, pollution, change of season, certain animals, odors, and also an unfavorable reaction to foods that contain lactose, gluten, soybeans, and even peanuts; industrialized foods; and processed cereals, since these cause the digestive system to malfunction.

According to tests carried out, a greater consumption of fruits and vegetables should be encouraged in patients with asthma. The consumption of fruits and vegetables has been highly recognized for its richness in fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids that the body must consume to stop the attack of diseases, especially allergic diseases such as asthma. It is advisable to review the diet and accompany it with supplements aimed at improving health.

  1. Elixir VitaMinerals - Provides all the basic nutrients in optimal amounts.
  2. Nascent Iodine - Dilute 1 to 3 drops of nascent iodine in water, take in the mornings. Do not exceed 3 drops daily unless recommended by your health care provider. For best results, take 200 mcg of selenium (1 capsule) daily any time you consume iodine.
  3. Magnesium Citrate - 600 mg before bed.
  4. Nose Eyes Throat Sinus - Created especially for people who suffer from discomfort during seasonal changes or have a more chronic problem. Nose Eyes Throat Sinus contains soothing ingredients that reduce discomfort and sensitivities.
  5. Probiotics 100 Billion - Natural anti-inflammatory that helps the bacterial balance in charge of repair.
  6. Oregano Oil - Improves the response of the immune system, prevents and relieves colds, recommended for any abnormality of the respiratory system such as sore throats and hoarseness.