Heartburn creates some very unpleasant symptoms, and this may be because your lining is worn down causing discomfort when consuming food. Some factors that cause this lining to wear down could be aspirin, steroids, stress and certain foods.

As the pH of the stomach wears out, it loses its natural acidity. The stomach needs a Ph between 1 and 2 to be able to break down food.

Stomach acids back up into the esophagus causing acid reflux and causing heartburn with a burning sensation, gas, pain and belching. There is a burning sensation caused by gastric acid vapors that irritate both the esophagus and throat. It is recommended:

REFLUX, BURNING / GERD KIT is made up of:

  1. Nascent Iodine
  2. Happy Tummy
  3. Ginger Root
  4. Gall Bladder
  5. Broad Spectrum Enzymes
  6. Elixir VitaMinerals