It is caused by excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which produces and secretes a greater amount of thyroid hormone, which directly affects metabolic processes, including heart rate and also the speed with which calories are burned. This condition causes goiter (swelling in the throat area), hyperactivity, rapid heartbeat, and bulging eyes, among other symptoms.

The treatment for hyperthyroidism requires the consumption of Nascent Iodine and other essential minerals, in order to balance the hormonal functions of the organism.

A fundamental part of the treatment is a healthy diet, without sugar, flour, or bad fats.

  1. Nascent Iodine - Dilute 3 drops in water, drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Increase 1 drop per week until reaching 8 to 10 drops per day.
  2. Selenium (200 mcg along with the iodine)
  3. Magnesium Citrate
  4. Elixir VitaMinerals

Additional supplements:

  1. Probiotics 100 Billion
  2. Broad Spectrum Enzymes (Digestive Enzymes) with all meals