It is the most common sleep disorder and is characterized by not being able to sleep or having a very light sleep. Insomnia can be caused by many conditions including hormonal imbalance in women after 30 that can keep us awake at night.

  1. Sleeping Bomb
  2. Molecular Progesterone follow label directions
  3. Methyl B Complex - 2 capsules
  4. Elixir VitaMinerals - 4 capsules
  5. Probiotics 100 Billions - 1 or 2 capsules

How to use the Sleep Bomb:

Take every day before going to bed and all at once as follows: 3-4 capsules of L-Tryptophan and 4 capsules of Magnesium. Additionally, chew 1 or more Melatonin tablets (increasing by one chewable at a time, start with 1 if that doesn't work to 2 then 3 and so on). It is recommended to start with the minimum suggested dose of Melatonin and gradually increase until you find the dose that helps you fall asleep.

VIDEO (Only in Spanish): Take this so you can sleep through the night