Migraine is a multifactorial neurovascular disorder that occurs at the brain level and affects information processing. In addition to this, during the attacks hemi cranial pain occurs, that is, it covers only half of the head.

Migraine is linked to the intoxication of the organism; it can help you a lot to deworm with (TERMINATOR KIT) and/or RETO YO PUEDO. Modify the diet, eliminate sugar, flour and bad fats; avoid a sedentary life by doing constant exercises; and try to control anxiety, despair and stress.


  1. Nascent Iodine
  2. Happy Tummy
  3. Magnesium Citrate
  4. Marine Omega-3
  5. Activated CO-Q10
  6. Melatonin
  7. Elixir Vita Minerals

It Has Been Found That Changes Occur In The Brain Of People With Migraine (Article is in Spanish)