Parasites are microorganisms that can be in our body for decades. They can be swallowed in meat that is not well cooked, spread between people, between animals and contact with contaminated water, among other things.

Some of the symptoms of intestinal parasites can be: difficulty losing weight (especially in the abdominal area), skin blemishes, allergies, digestive problems, fungus, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, a swollen belly, mood swings, headaches, brain fog, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hunger and constant cravings even after eating. Sugar, flour, starches and bad fats should be avoided.

Taking dewormers is a practice that must be carried out at least once a year and the ideal elements to do so are those that make up the Terminator Kit, formulated to neutralize and eliminate parasites.

Why should I take the four formulas that make up the Terminator kit?

Each parasite or microorganism is sensitive to a plant, but not all are sensitive to them, which is why the Terminator Kit is made up of these four formulas (Oregano Oil, Gall Bladder, Odorless Garlic and Terminator Liquid Plant Herbal Blend).

Why should the protocol be done for 28 days?

The Liquid Terminator, in addition to killing adult parasites, can also kill the eggs that are deposited in the tissues of your body. This is because the life cycle of a parasite is 28 days, before reproducing. If a child does not take pills, he/she can start by taking Liquid Terminator.

Take the TERMINATOR KIT following the protocol.

How to deworm yourself naturally? (Video is in Spanish)

My Terminator Kit To Fight Intestinal Parasites (Article is in Spanish)