I created Pink Magnesium Powder, an exceptional magnesium supplement that offers excellent absorption in powder form. This magnesium formula is made with magnesium citrate, one of the most rapidly absorbed forms of magnesium. Simply mix a scoop in water to enjoy 600mg of Magnesium Citrate. It is ideal for people who have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules. Due to its natural strawberry flavor and its sweetness from the stevia leaf, it is the ideal formula for children and adults.

My formula is supported by thorough research for its capability to pass through cell membranes and cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing you optimal benefit that results from a balanced supply of this crucial mineral. Pink Magnesium comes in a tasty strawberry kiwi favor and offers a convenient powder texture that dissolves quickly and completely in liquid. It is perfect for those who may struggle taking bulky magnesium tablets or capsules What a yummy, practical way to increase your intake and balance your magnesium levels!

Living our "best life" is what we all strive for. It is difficult to achieve this if you are among the many who experience poor quality and brain fogginess.

Even the healthiest foods are losing nutrients due to soil depletion, so it's imperative to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to maintain its vitality and health.

A special focus should be placed on magnesium because it plays such an influential role in your body. Magnesium is needed by your cells to function properly. When your levels are low, your cells aren’t getting what they need it can be difficult for your brain to process information and can be equally as difficult for your body to relax enough to sleep well. Luckily, you can work to correct this problem by taking high quality magnesium supplements.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral containing anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, critical for energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization. Magnesium is in fact a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes.

Magnesium benefits include supporting bones, blood pressure levels, energy levels, and the nervous system. Among its many functions, magnesium is involved in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes. This is essential for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm. It also provides support to promote normal mood and emotional well-being. No doubt, these are the reasons why it is often said that your overall health is supported by this vital mineral. 

Magnesium can be found in various foods ranging from leafy greens to nuts and seeds. It is essential for hundreds of processes in the body, but most of us don't get enough of it. This can be frustrating, especially if you are like many who suffer from stress, poor sleep, muscle pains, low energy, migraines, or sadness due to magnesium deficiency. 

Magnesium is commonly used to support:


Maintaining healthy bones requires maintaining your daily magnesium levels. If you don't get enough, your body might have trouble absorbing calcium and vitamin D.


Magnesium helps with regulating neurotransmitters which helps your nerves communicate with each other and protects their linings. This all contributes to learning, memory, and overall nerve and brain function, as well as nerve support for migraine sufferers.


It can help you relax into sleep by regulating melatonin in the body.

  • MOOD

It plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy mood and coping with stress. Additionally, it helps relieve tension and promotes relaxation.


Supports the relief of muscle cramps and tensions. It is necessary for your muscles to contract and relax. To help regulate muscle function, you need even more of it when you are more active.


In addition to helping maintain healthy blood pressure levels, it is also necessary for heart contractions to be normal.


Magnesium helps create and repair DNA and RNA


It assists in converting food into energy.


It supports the creation of new proteins from amino acids.

Keeping your magnesium at sufficient levels is crucial. This nutrient plays an extremely important role in your body.

Crucial reasons why magnesium is so important for your health:

  • It is particularly beneficial for maintaining brain health.
  • It is present in over 300 different bodily enzymes.
  • Magnesium is essential for healthy, strong bones.
  • Guides many physiological functions.
  • Contributes to the normal detoxification process of the body.
  • Helps you metabolize energy and make protein.
  • A vital component of glutathione, your body's "master antioxidant”.

Now that we’ve established why magnesium is so critical, let’s explore some indicators that your body needs more magnesium.

The body becomes less capable of absorbing essential vitamins and minerals as it ages. You may still lack some valuable nutrients even if you eat a healthy diet rich in organic vegetables. Magnesium is one of these nutrients.

Magnesium needs vary from person to person, so identifying your own needs can be challenging. Due to the small amount of this substance in your bloodstream, standard blood tests are not very helpful in finding the answer.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

  • Feeling nauseated and vomiting.
  • Headache and loss of appetite.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

Magnesium deficiency affects up to 80% of Americans, according to experts. Yet this mineral plays a crucial role in detoxification and is a necessity for optimum health. You need it for your bones, muscles, nerves, and brain. Magnesium deficiency can make your brain inefficient, while causing your body to sleep poorly. You can't get much more significant than that!

There are certain factors that may prevent you from getting enough magnesium, even if you regularly consume foods rich in the mineral:

  • AGE: Your body's ability to absorb magnesium decreases with age.
  • DIET: Chemical fertilizers and pesticides can deplete magnesium levels in nonorganic foods. The soil's magnesium content determines what's in the food.
  • INCONVENIENCE: Consuming enough magnesium-rich foods may not be possible due to various factors, such as availability or personal preference.

To maintain healthy levels of magnesium, you may wish to consider a high-quality supplement. There are so many options available to you on the market today that it can be overwhelming trying to decide which can actually be considered high-quality. Not to mention some supplement combinations can affect the bioavailability and absorption of magnesium resulting in a completely inefficient product. Do not waste anymore of your precious time or money on faulty supplements that won’t give you to outcomes you are looking for.

Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a magnesium supplement that will meet your needs.

  • Delivers convenience: Supplement servings need to be convenient and comfortable for busy people. It is important to have well-defined guidelines for serving size.
  • Provides high absorption: The amount of magnesium in the supplement isn't the only thing to consider. Magnesium must be well absorbed by the body in order to be effective.
  • Offers a high degree of penetration: Magnesium must be absorbed, but it must also penetrate key tissues and cells to be effective.
  • Reduces discomfort: If you're looking for a magnesium supplement to support clear thinking, restful sleep, and vibrant health, avoid magnesium products that are used as laxatives and antacid.


Magnesium (from Magnesium Citrate)

*Go to VitaTienda.com for more information about the Supplements Facts.