Do you feel a swollen belly, even though you exercise regularly?

Do you suffer from constipation and fetid gases?

Have you ever done a liver and colon cleanse?

The liver is the largest organ within the human body. When the liver, a vital organ and of such relevance to the body, is being affected, scattered symptoms appear that affect health and general well-being. Among these we can find digestive disorders and problems, fatigue and chronic weakness, nausea, poor concentration.

This organ processes the substances in the food we eat and drink on a daily basis. Also the consumption of fatty and processed foods, as well as chemical substances such as drugs, this process repeatedly ends up saturating our liver.

According to experts, it is recommended to clean the liver 2 to 3 times a year. Detoxification could help improve the overall health of the body, the quality of organs such as the skin, and healthy weight loss.

On the other hand, the colon is a part of the large intestine, located at the end of it. Its function is to pass the final waste of food to the rectum, so that it is eliminated in the form of feces. If the feces are not evacuated correctly, you run the risk of suffering from various diseases.

Bad eating habits, a sedentary life and stress can alter the function of the colon, which seems simple, but is very important to rid the body of toxins.

It may happen that these feces adhere to the walls of the colon and remain there for years until they calcify. A body full of toxins can suffer many diseases and poisoning, so it is vital to keep the colon clean.

The importance of each of these organs means that a cleaning routine is done at least twice a year. COLON CLEANSE COMBO contains high-quality supplements, my two exclusive formulas, that can help flush out toxins from both the liver and colon that can help support an optimal digestive system.

LIVER CLEANSE™ - Formulated with plants that help create an easy cleanse for those looking for a light and gentle detox. The liver is not only responsible for dealing with toxins, but is also necessary for methylating B vitamins, regulating blood sugar, converting excess blood glucose to triglycerides, producing cholesterol, storing glycogen, producing bile, and many other functions.

COLON CLEANSE - Perfectly formulated with natural fibers that help create a gentle and easy detoxification process.