Zinc is necessary for the proper growth and maintenance of the human body. It is found in various biological systems and reactions and is needed for immune function, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, skin repair, and much more.

In the body, zinc is one of the most common minerals.

Nearly 100 enzymes in the body use zinc to function. It performs many functions and is crucial for the health of all cells, tissues, organs, and bones.

A person's serum zinc levels may not accurately reflect their true zinc status because zinc is present throughout the body as a component of proteins and nucleic acids. In more than 300 enzymatic reactions, it is a structural building block for more than 3,000 proteins in your body. There are more biological functions associated with zinc than with all other trace minerals combined.

What are the benefits that zinc can provide?

  • Supporting the immune system.

Zinc deficiencies can affect your immune system and impair your response to invaders. A sufficient amount of zinc is essential for the proper functioning of white blood cells.

  • Promotes respiratory wellness.

Studies have shown that an adequate amount of zinc contributes to respiratory health, even when faced with seasonal challenges.

  • Helps reduce the buildup of faulty proteins in the brain.

In your brain, when proteins lose their correct shape due to damage, they stop working properly and can clump together. Zinc is essential for stabilizing proteins, helping them keep their correct shape. Cognitive function may depend on this factor.

  • Improve taste, smell and sight.

A lack of zinc can lead to a loss of taste, which in turn can lead to decreased appetite. The organs of taste and smell can die faster if you are deficient in this nutrient. Zinc and vitamin A work together to help your eyes perceive light and send nerve impulses to your brain.

  • Supporting bone health.

It's important to note that zinc plays a vital role in the composition of your bone matrix and helps maintain the fragile balance between bone formation and breakdown as you age. In addition, it helps bone mineralization by acting as a cofactor for alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in bone cells.

  • Support the growth and replication of healthy cells.

Healthy cell replication is governed by the DNA of your cells. Research shows that increasing zinc levels may improve DNA strand breaks and serum protein concentrations involved in DNA restoration, as well as stimulate antioxidant and immune functions.

  • Protecting your retina from cell damage.

According to research, zinc may postpone the onset of age-related vision loss, possibly by protecting against free radical damage to retinal cells.

  • Help in the absorption of nutrients.

In your body, zinc participates in a complex interaction with other nutrients, including folate, which helps facilitate the absorption of nutrients from food. Insufficient zinc can increase the need for vitamin E. In addition, zinc is a cofactor in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Common symptoms of zinc deficiency?

  • Brain fog
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Slow wound healing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Occasional bad mood
  • Decreased taste and smell
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Decreased libido
  • Food and environmental allergies
  • Hair loss and skin problems
  • Stomach and leaky gut problems

You may not absorb or use the zinc you eat, even if you get enough from your diet.

What role does stress play?

A significant contributor to zinc deficiency is emotional stress.

To help repair damage caused by stress, your body sends zinc to your brain, organs, muscles, and skin. Having difficulty managing the stress in your life can negatively affect your adrenal health. The result of adrenal fatigue is not only a zinc deficiency, but also a calcium and magnesium deficiency.

To maintain a healthy balance of hormones, including thyroid hormones, you must consume adequate amounts of zinc. In addition, zinc contributes to the production of progesterone, cortisol and aldosterone, hormones necessary for good health and an adequate inflammatory response.

Who is most at risk of zinc deficiency?

  • Those over 60 years old: Because older patients tend to consume less zinc and also seem to absorb less than they do, it is important that this segment of the population pay more attention to their zinc intake.

  • Vegetarians: The highest amount of bioavailable zinc is found in animal foods such as oysters, liver, and grass-fed beef. Not only are they the best sources of zinc, but they can also improve your ability to absorb zinc. Zinc from plants is not absorbed as well as zinc from animals. Compared to meat eaters, vegetarians may require 50 percent more zinc.

  • Patients with digestive and gastrointestinal disorders: Intestinal and digestive disorders can decrease the absorption of zinc and increase the expulsion of zinc from the intestinal tract, urinary tract and even the kidneys.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption: It is estimated that up to half of alcoholics have low levels of zinc. Zinc absorption from the intestinal tract decreases with ethanol consumption, while zinc excretion in urine increases.

  • Pregnant and/or lactating women: High levels of zinc are essential in a developing fetus. The risk of developing a zinc deficiency during pregnancy is increased if a woman has marginal levels of zinc before conception. Breastfeeding can also deplete the mother's zinc stores. With this in mind, pregnant and lactating women are often advised to consume higher amounts of zinc daily than other women.

What is the best form of zinc?

To determine the comparative absorption rates of the different forms of zinc, the researchers measured zinc levels in hair, skin, and urine, as these areas contain the highest concentrations of zinc in the body. According to the study, test subjects more easily assimilated zinc picolinate than zinc citrate and zinc gluconate.


Zinc (from Zinc Picolinate)

*Go to VitaTienda.com for more information in the Supplement Facts.