The following points must be taken into consideration as they are reasons why you will not have one or some orders in your history and therefore will not count towards commissions.

  • Canceled Orders.
  • Refunded Orders.
  • Orders that have been Disputed.
  • Orders placed by Distributors.
  • Orders where the ambassador Link has not been used correctly.
    • NOTE: Regarding the use of the Link, each ambassador is responsible for ensuring that their clients use it when processing orders. To use it correctly, your client must always access it every time they place an order and see that their ambassador number is reflected in the Link.

You must verify the status of your orders and what type of clients you have in your care.

Only orders that have the status of Delivered and orders for your Mini-me are counted, taking into account the points already mentioned.

For more information regarding the ambassador link:

Ambasador Link