Constipation is the product of an inadequate diet, so a diet free of sugars, flours and bad fats should be sought. All this accompanied by the consumption of minerals. It is essential to leave the sedentary life. It is recommended to acidify stomach pH with cider vinegar diluted in water on an empty stomach.

The following supplements may be of benefit to alleviate symptoms of this annoying situation.

  1. Estreñimiento Kit 
  2. Nascent Iodine - Dilute 1 to 3 drops of nascent iodine in water, take in the mornings. Do not exceed 3 drops daily unless recommended by your health care provider. For best results, take 200 mcg of selenium (1 capsule) daily any time you consume iodine.
  3. Aceite MCT (in the morning in tea or coffee)
  4. Probiotics 100 Billion
  5. Apple Cider Vinager