The Reto Yo Puedo is a detoxification of the organism, especially its liver, colon, gallbladder and pancreas. The cleaning is done based on vegetable and fruit juices as well as other liquids for 21 days and two subsequent phases; you will also help to balance glycemia in the blood, blood pressure and blood markers. It is a fast track to good health and as a side effect you lose weight due to the change in your lifestyle. The idea of the challenge is to follow the instructions in the book to the letter, since we are working to purify our body.

*It is essential that you use an extractor. You can't do the challenge with a blender.

*If you are not sure if you can last the 21 days you can start with 3 then 7, 14 and 21.

*The challenge book contains 21 recipes for different juices, one for each day of the challenge.

 To download the challenge book, you can enter this link: 

Can you eat solid foods while doing the Challenge?

If you want the best results, you should not eat solids during the Challenge. The idea is that the liver can clean itself and rest, eating does not let it rest and interrupts the detoxification process. Only liquids, juices, collagen broth, and ginger tea are recommended. Nothing solid for the 21 days.

Who can NOT do the Challenge?

Pregnant or lactating mothers. Nor any other cleanse for the body, since it can transfer toxins to the baby.

Diabetes 2 extreme stage. These are the people who use the maximum amount of Metformin medication. They can start eating better before starting the challenge. It is important to eliminate anti-foods such as Soy, Corn, Gluten, Dairy and in some Oats.

Who CAN do the Challenge?

-Those who have iron deficiency. The green leaves that are added to the juices provide necessary iron.

-Diabetes 2 normal

-Those who have high cholesterol.

-Old people.

-Those who have gallbladder problems. Removing the gallbladder should not be an option. The Challenge helps clean it up. When removing it, other digestive problems will come, such as problems digesting fats and losing weight.

-People with endocrine conditions.

-People with Facial Paralysis

-People with Trigeminal Nerve

-People with thyroid problems. Hashimoto's, Hypothyroidism, etc.

How many times can the Challenge be done?

The Dr. does it twice a year. But it can be done as many times as the person wants.

Is it necessary to deworm while doing the Challenge?

In many cases we cannot lose weight if our body is full of parasites or fungus overgrowth. You can choose to deworm before doing the Challenge or after.

Do I need to buy the Reto Yo Puedo Kit in order to do the Challenge?

There's no need. But many find it useful, as you will feel weakness and the kit has nutrients that can give you a lot of energy.


The optimal thing would be to continue with Ayuno Lunar after the Reto Yo Puedo, phases 2 and 3 are outdated, but I include them.

At the moment it is not available in pdf, but you can get it through the following link:


The optimal thing would be to continue with Ayuno Lunar after the Reto Yo Puedo, phases 2 and 3 are outdated, but I include them.

At the moment it is not available in pdf, but you can get it through the following link: