We are facing a style of eating implemented by various cultures throughout human history, which consists of eating during certain hours of the day and fasting the rest, starting with the simplest formula of 12-12, increasing the fasting time to 14 and 10 of feeding, 16-8 and until reaching 18-6.

Meanwhile, during your fasting hours, you can consume drinks such as tea or coffee without sugar or sweetened with Stevia, natural or sparkling water, infusions, etc. When eating, you must take into account that you cannot consume sugar, flour, pastries, processed or industrialized foods, the reason is that our body is not nourished from eating them and, on the contrary, is overloaded with calories that are difficult to digest. You can fast for an indefinite period, because it is not a diet, it is rather a lifestyle.

Benefits: The benefits of intermittent fasting are multiple and range from strengthening health, reducing your abdominal area, proper hormonal segregation, balancing blood glucose indicators, blood pressure leveling and of course weight reduction and bodily measures.

What happens at the cellular level when we don't eat during those hours? The cells rebuild. For the body to make this recomposition we must be sleeping or not eating. That is why it is important if you have not tried fasting, that you try it.

Ayuno Lunar is an intermittent fasting focused on women.


You can do the Reto Yo Puedo before you start your lunar fast.