Cramps are muscle tensions or contractions that are carried out involuntarily. The most annoying thing about these is that the muscle remains tense for a period of time and does not relax.

When the cause of the cramps is due to maintaining a position (standing or sitting) for a long time, it is suggested to alternate the position several times during the day.

Now, if these contractions are so painful, they may be related to mineral and vitamin deficiency.

Take Magnesium 600 mg and Vitamin E 400 IU before bed.

The following supplements are also recommended:

  1. Elixir VitaMinerals - Provides all the basic nutrients in optimal amounts.
  2. Marine Omega 3 or Krill Oil, the latter being the most concentrated Omega 3.
  3. Methyl B Complex Activated - 2 before bed.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar (gummies or liquid) in the morning and before meals.
  5. Nascent Iodine - Dilute 1 to 3 drops of nascent iodine in water, take in the mornings. Do not exceed 3 drops daily unless recommended by your health care provider. For best results, take 200 mcg of selenium (1 capsule) daily any time you consume iodine.