The body itself is in charge of producing hormones throughout our lives and to achieve this objective, it is necessary that we eat correctly, avoiding foods that contain sugar, refined flours, gluten, soy, processed cereals and all kinds of industrialized foods. In addition, we must provide our body with the necessary nutrients and minerals for its optimal functioning. It is recommended to constantly consume the following:

Eat according to the Ayuno Lunar plan.

  1. Nascent Iodine - Dilute 1 to 3 drops of nascent iodine in water, take in the mornings. Do not exceed 3 drops daily unless recommended by your health care provider. For best results, take 200 mcg of selenium (1 capsule) daily any time you consume iodine.
  2. Selenium - Take 2 or 3 capsules daily.
  3. Magnesium Citrate - 3 capsules daily preferably with food
  4. Zinc Picolinate - 1 capsule daily
  5. Vitamin D3+K2 - One capsule daily
  6. Antarctic Krill Oil - 2 pearls with breakfast or lunch and 2 more with dinner (not for people allergic to shellfish, in that case take Marine Omega-3)