There are many ways stress can affect your body, from disrupting your sleep and mood to affecting your memory and sexual vitality.

As the "King" of the Herbal Kingdom, Ashwagandha has been used as a rejuvenating and daily tonic for centuries. Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry, is made from a small evergreen shrub called Withania Somnifera.

With its powerful adaptogenic properties, Ashwagandha can improve your body's ability to deal with internal and external stressors, as well as support your immune system.

It supports your nervous system and adrenal health, as well as increasing your energy supply. Ashwagandha promotes stress adaptation within your body and mind, leading to better memory.

My Ashwagandha with Black Pepper offers quality and is uniquely formulated to contain highly concentrated amounts. I've also avoided the use of harmful fillers and additives, making your supplemental content safe and of exceptional quality.

There are many ways that stress can affect your body that you are not aware of. Nowadays, there are no shortage of stressors.

Is This you?

  • Whenever you are stressed, you crave sweets and junk food.
  • You feel more and more overwhelmed.
  • A forgetful person.
  • You have trouble sleeping at night.
  • Moody or restless.
  • Constantly worried about things in general.
  • Your sex drive has decreased.
  • Tired, slow and tired all day.
  • Unable to fully relax.

Ashwagandha has been found to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, by 28% and minimize stress symptoms by 44%.

Possible Benefits

May help reduce stress and anxiety: Ashwagandha is perhaps most famous for its stress-reducing abilities. This adaptogen is a substance that helps the body manage stress. Ashwagandha appears to help control stress triggers, including cortisol and stress-activated proteins. It can also help decrease the activity of the HPA axis, a stress response regulatory system in your body.

May help increase muscle strength and physical performance: An analysis of 5 studies found that taking Ashwagandha notably improved maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) in healthy adults and athletes. VO2 Max refers to the amount of oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise at its maximum capacity. It is a measure of the physical state of the heart and lungs. The name Ashwagandha translates as "horse smell," which is related to the animal's vitality, strength, and stamina.

May lower blood sugar levels: There are particular compounds within Ashwagandha that are believed to have powerful abilities that can help activate your cells to absorb glucose from your bloodstream. Some evidence suggests that Ashwagandha may even lower blood sugar levels due to its effects on insulin secretion and glucose uptake by cells.

Helps control weight: Cortisol is widely known as a stress hormone. Too much cortisol in the body has been linked to loss of muscle mass, weight gain, and nervous eating. This "survival hormone" activates glucose production and stimulates a hunger response that leads to what is commonly known as stress-related weight gain. Ashwagandha works elementally to help improve your response capabilities. Managing your stress levels makes you much less prone to binge eating. The antioxidants that scientists have discovered in Ashwagandha can also boost our body's metabolism, facilitating a more effective fat burning process.

Sleep aid: Ashwagandha contains a large number of compounds that may be responsible for its sleep aid results. Researchers suggest that certain substances found organically in the herb may induce drowsiness. Others suggest that Ashwagandha acts on a class of receptors that respond to the GABA neurotransmitter, which plays a major role in the sleep/wake transition and may result in what many experience as longer, better-quality sleep.

Can Ashwagandha improve sleep and increase energy levels?

This formula uses highly concentrated rare adaptogen that works to restore and balance the body's reaction to short- and long-term physical or mental stress, which can therefore minimize stress and improve energy levels. The main active ingredient found in my Ashwagandha is Withanolides, which is believed to have a host of benefits, including the ability to calm stress and increase energy levels without stimulating the heart the way caffeine does. My formula also provides stress relief by helping the adrenal glands release proper levels of cortisol. Consequently, by helping the adrenal glands, stress relief can mean achieving deeper and more substantial levels of rest and relaxation.

Can Ashwagandha improve focus and memory?

Studies claim that specific properties found in Ashwagandha are neuroprotective agents. These agents promote antioxidant properties not only in the brain, but also throughout the body. This helps support mental clarity, focus, and even memory by improving communication between brain cells.

Additional Notes:

Ashwagandha is one of my favorite plants to help control stress and moments of anxiety. Although you may not have heard much of it, ashwagandha has been used in India, the Middle East, and parts of North Africa for over two millennia for its adaptogenic properties.

By definition, adaptogens can help the body "adapt" to the needs of each person, some adaptogens can support energy levels, while others can support the immune system.

The adaptogenic plant ashwagandha has its roots in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to help maintain normal body functions, even at times when stress hormones may be released in large quantities. Research indicates that adaptogens work best when taken daily during and after periods of stress.

Something important to keep in mind when using plants is that not all bodies notice a difference with the same speed, some people may take several weeks while others notice it immediately.

Benefits of Ashwagandha (Article is in only in Spanish)


Organic Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) (Root), Organic Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) (fruit)

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