The Ayuno Lunar is an intermittent fasting designed for women. Created by a woman for women.

Intermittent fasting became very popular a few years ago, but all the trials had been done on mice and on men, the result is that when we women started fasting, we initially felt great but then after a few months we started to get on a weight plate, the weight wouldn't continue to drop and our hair started to fall out, we were nutrient deficient and didn't feel good. That is why I have created the Ayuno Lunar that is based on the cycle of women.

If you are still menstruating, you will learn which days of the month you are going to consume more carbohydrates than days of the month you should reduce them, which days of the month you could eat more, which days of the month you could eat less and if you are already in menopause, Ayuno Lunar has specific variations for you.